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Build dev version from scripts🔗︎

Use this development (dev) version if there is an issue with the premade binaries or you want to do PineSAM dev.

In the end, this version produces the same PineSAM as the premade binaries from the Easy Install.


Mac or Linux dev🔗︎


First, install all packages linked above in dependencies.

then get pinesam
git clone
cd PineSAM
chmod +x
chmod +x


# press CTRL+C in the terminal window to stop

Windows dev🔗︎


Follow the additional hints below to install all packages linked above in dependencies.

  1. Python install notes
    • Check "Add python.exe to PATH" and select "Customize Installation"
    • Check "Add Python to environment variables" option
    • Screenshots of options to select are here.
  2. Install NodeJS here, accept all prompts to add packages during install including a prompt in the terminal that opens.
  3. After installing packages listed for backend script (reference), go to System Environment variables to check paths (image).
  4. Download the from the latest releases.
  5. Right-click the zip > properties, if it has an Unblock option, then unblock and extract it (example).
  6. Run powershell as administrator, set permissions to RemoteSigned (reference). Setting this one time in powershell is usually enough as it persists on reboot.
    C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  7. Then check that powershell permissions are correct; at minimum, need LocalMachine to show as RemoteSigned (Unrestricted also works).
    C:\> Get-executionPolicy -List


Change directory (cd) into the PineSAM folder that was extracted above.

.\setup-dev.bat   # only need to run this one time for each new version
.\run-dev.bat     # run this command every time to start PineSAM (do not need to run as admin)