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PineSAM Work View - Heads Up Display (HUD)

Pinecil Settings and Menus🔗︎

Why focus on soldering when you can play with the settings instead? With this app you have full control over your new shiny Pinecil V2 from your computer using bluetooth.

NB: No special browser flags or BLE GATT required; works on all major OS and phones.

NB: This app needs the backend to start on a computer terminal; then the user interface runs from any browser. It CANNOT run entirely by only opening a browser like Joric's UI.

Full settings view

Full Settings View


System MacOS Linux Windows Phones


  • Automatically detect Pinecil V2 over BLE.
  • Control all settings on the device.
  • Save to Flash: toggle to save changes directly onto Pinecil (leave off unless actively changing settings).
  • Work HUD main screen has: buttons + - to change temperature, live updates, peak and live watts, input voltage.
  • Preset buttons allow quick change of user defined temperatures (PineSAM extra feature not available directly inside Pinecil).
  • Backend runs locally on all major platforms/OS while the user interface runs on your favorite browser.

Remote access🔗︎

You can access the settings remotely once the app is running on the main PC/laptop.

  • Find the local IP address of the computer running the app.
  • Open http://<ip-address>:8080/ on the second device on the same network (e.g., a phone).
  • Pinecil needs to be within BLE range of the computer running the PineSAM app.
  • Hint: if your pc is on a LAN, then also enable the wifi on it, and use that IP Address on the phone's browser.



Help is welcome at all levels from coding to a cup of coffee, please see here.